Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Khan Academy projects

Whats for Dinner?
I had to use the ATL of using my knowledge and understanding to create a product of what I learned.I had to (ATL) create original work and (ATL) had to play with ideas and experiment with  numbers to make the shapes that I wanted in the right position. I had to (ATL) make sure I finished in the class time provided to complete this assignment.Also I had to (ATL) make sure I stayed focused while working and not get distracted.

Shooting Star
I had to use (ATL) my past knowledge and skills to help me create my product.Also I had to (ATL) had to consider different ideas to do this and (ATL) guess at numbers so that the stars went in the right direction.I had to (ATL) make sure I finished in the class time provided to complete this assignment.Finally I had to (ATL) make sure I stayed focused while working. 

Animal Attack
I had to (ATL) stay focus on my assignment and (ATL) I had to be aware of the time provided to complete this assignment and finish it in that time period.I had to (ATL) create original work and make it my own, and I had to (ATL)use my past knowledge to help me create my product. Lastly I (ATL) had to make decisions on what I be making.

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