Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Khan Academy projects

Whats for Dinner?
I had to use the ATL of using my knowledge and understanding to create a product of what I learned.I had to (ATL) create original work and (ATL) had to play with ideas and experiment with  numbers to make the shapes that I wanted in the right position. I had to (ATL) make sure I finished in the class time provided to complete this assignment.Also I had to (ATL) make sure I stayed focused while working and not get distracted.

Shooting Star
I had to use (ATL) my past knowledge and skills to help me create my product.Also I had to (ATL) had to consider different ideas to do this and (ATL) guess at numbers so that the stars went in the right direction.I had to (ATL) make sure I finished in the class time provided to complete this assignment.Finally I had to (ATL) make sure I stayed focused while working. 

Animal Attack
I had to (ATL) stay focus on my assignment and (ATL) I had to be aware of the time provided to complete this assignment and finish it in that time period.I had to (ATL) create original work and make it my own, and I had to (ATL)use my past knowledge to help me create my product. Lastly I (ATL) had to make decisions on what I be making.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

CodeHs assignment

It was hard to make the codes to create what I thought would look good. Approaches to learning I had to use my past experience with code from this lesson so that I could come up with my own code without the lessons help. Also I thought up ideas of what to do and I decided to work with my friend Itzel so we helped each other on how to create the French Flag and get the right coordinates.
It was fun making the snowman because it was circles and its SNOWMEN!!!! What I used for my Approaches to learning  I also had to use what I already knew to help me complete the snowman and my friend Itzel and I helped each other again and guess to see if we could find the solution by trying different alternatives. But overall the snowman wasn't that hard to complete once we knew the numbers we needed.

It was interesting to make something with no instruction so Itzel and I made the same thing so we could help each other out.Approaches to learning  I had to be creative and brainstorm ideas to make something look decent. Also I had to use past experience and knowledge to help me make my creation with Itzel. And I had to guess on some to see the outcome and go bake to revise and see what could be changed to make it better.

Monday, February 1, 2016

StarWars Hour of Code

This includes ATL's just didn't identify them. also this is for both since I did it when I finished them both.

By doing the Hour of code I had to (ATL)consider all the options available to complete each level of coding.Also I had to(ATL) identify the challenges and obstacles that got in the way. The last level of coding was difficult because you had to create your own obstacle for others that wasn't too easy or too hard.I also had to make sure I(ATL) finished in the time I was given to complete the  hour of code,  JavaScript and blocks. The only thing I(ATL identifying the problems) didn't really like about doing the hour of code is that it lagged a lot when completing it. Other than that it was fun to complete the hour of codes.There wasn't any research that needed to be done for either of them.
