Thursday, March 24, 2016

Selection tools

There's lasso tool which selects by you drawing around what you want. There's the polygon lasso tool which you can select things with straight lines and the magnet lasso tool which selects the color of the same type. Then there's the rectangular marque tool which selects what you want in a square shape or rectangular shape.The elliptical marque tool selects things you want in a circle or oval.
Quick selection tool selects things from where you want. The magic wand tool selects things by there color and is decided by the amount of tolerance you use.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Khan Academy Projects

Ad Design
Doing this project was actually easy.I just had to (ATL) manage my time well and I had to (ATL) apply my past knowledge to create the final product. So overall this project was fine.

Fish Tank
This project was hard to complete but Itzel and I helped each other out and we got help from the teacher.I had to(ATL) manage my time and (ATL) guess to see different outcomes.Also I had to(ATL) use past knowledge and skills to complete this task.